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옥외 풍경 영어로


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  • exterior
  • 옥외    옥외 [屋外] [집의 밖] the outdoors; the
  • 풍경    풍경 [風景]1 =경치.2 ☞ 풍경화▷
  • 옥외    옥외 [屋外] [집의 밖] the outdoors; the exterior of a house; the open (air). ~의 outdoor / open-air / outside. ~에서 outdoors / in the open / out of doors.▷ 옥외 광고 간판 a billboard.▷ 옥외 노동자 an outdoor[open-air]
  • 풍경    풍경 [風景]1 =경치.2 ☞ 풍경화▷ 풍경미 scenic beauty.풍경 [風磬] a wind-bell; a small hanging bell that tinkles in the wind.
  • 옥외 변소    backhouse; bog; garden house; thunderbox; privy; urinal; outhouse
  • 옥외로    out-of-door; outdoors
  • 옥외의    outdoor; open-air
  • 살풍경    살풍경 [殺風景]1 [쓸쓸한 풍경]. ~하다 [황량하다] desolate; bleak; dreary; [단조하다] drab. ~한 정원 a bleak garden. ~한 해변 desolate beach. 가구가 거의 없는 ~한 방 a drab[bleak] room almost bare of furnishings.2 [정취가 없음]. ~하다 prosaic
  • 월면 풍경    moonscape
  • 전원 풍경    eclogue
  • 풍경 (악기)    Wind chime
  • 풍경화    풍경화 [風景畵] a landscape. 유화의 ~ a landscape in oil.▷ 풍경 화가 a landscape painter.
  • 옥외 취사장    fireplace
  • 옥외에서    outdoors; out-of-door
  • 옥외의 일    outwork
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